After the snow slope
stuck all winter with Christmas
Lights, we have waited for your father
Whittle its soap cake
then ended whisk,
Her mother, their coffee
an area to a conclusion and lamps
Cubes in the snow with our feet.
Holding one side and the other
Layer sleeves dragged us down
the streets in our densely
Black clothes, history
Crystal swamps and death
By dusk every house,
on the ice of gold
Spitting, smoking, blue
Silence ponds, with the city
glowing behind the blind
White Hills and a little
Checking the snow in the stars.
They hummed as Blanche
Snow and spoke of Montreal
where a Francoise's could sing,
, the face of the man
In her blouse débouclée
and later to wine
on the chair.
I have always believed
Victoria, that it
be a way out.
They had shame on this House,
Discotheques round the excess flour,
Ribs of beef and white beans,
Checks and emergency services winter tours
, Which always ended in deer
rigid with the car rack,
Accordion breathing your uncle
down north, and what
She urged the stupidity
Michigan French.
Your mirror grew up surrounded
with photos of soldiers
, Your breasts
in their hands the keys
Blouses in your teeth,
It has the Silk
Acorns the completion of their training,
Jackets with embroidered dragon
in the Far East. You have
The closures, from
Bottles on their beds
their letters per city
Black, envelopes hair
their shaved skull.
I will do that, you said.
Flowers wrapped in car
in Montreal, a plan to repeal
Detroit, a bed of satin, an array
- Clean scents.
So, are in a container with ice
Catholic outside a dance hall
She took her necklaces
Fine in your hands chilled
Your age and lied in adulthood.
I then not from my own breast,
nor the letter Boot Camp
and if one of the men who
together to give you my mouth
In his own was nothing
Other than the venue of the music dance
Top the arms of ice trees.
I do not know where you are now,
You say that you have children, a trailer
Snow in the vicinity of our city,
and wife that you have a daughter
Return from the Far East broken
Pirates of the Holy Blood in the table
Night, where a bunch of white chips
from the edge of her knife.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Childhood Friends (poem)
Posted by Flame Dragon at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Friendship is a term used to describe the cooperative and supportive behavior between two or more human beings. This article focuses on a specific notion of interpersonal relations. In this sense, the term implies a relationship that involves mutual knowledge, esteem and affection with a level of service to friends in case of need or crisis. Friends will host the other company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and May converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They should also commit themselves to help each other behavior, such as exchange of advice and shared difficulties. A friend is someone who often demonstrate reciprocating May and reflection behavior. Yet, for many, friendship is nothing but confidence that someone or something will not cause harm. Value that is found in friendship is often the result of a friend demonstrate on a regular basis:
• the tendency to want what is best for others,
• sympathy and empathy,
• honesty, perhaps in situations where it May be difficult for others to tell the truth, especially in terms of perception bring the defects of his counterpart
• mutual understanding.
In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in the friendships and associations. D'friendship and association can be seen as extending through the same continuum. The study of friendship is included in sociology, anthropology, philosophy and zoology. Various theories of friendship have been proposed, including social psychology, theory of social exchange, equity theory, the dialectical relationship, and attachment styles. See interpersonal relations
Friendship is considered one of the main human experiences, and was sanctified by all major religions. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Babylonian poem that is among the earliest known in literary history, chronicles in great detail the ties of friendship between Gilgamesh and Enid. The Greco-Roman is a supreme example of friendship, with Orate and Pilates. The Abraham religions have the story of David and Jonathan. Friendship plays an important role in German Romanticism. A good example is Schiller Die Bürgschaft. The Christian Gospels say that Jesus Christ said: "No one has greater love than this one, set down his life for his friends." (John 15:13).
In philosophy, Aristotle is known for its discussions (in the Nicomachean Ethics) phyla, which is usually (somewhat misleading) translated as "friendship", and certainly includes friendship, but is a much broader concept.
Variations cultural: (heel-section) a group of friends consists of two or more persons who are in a mutually agreeable relationship create a sense of camaraderie, exclusivity and mutual trust. There are varying degrees of "proximity" between friends. Hence, some people choose to make a difference and classify bonds of friendship on the basis of this sentiment.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 5:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Intentional Objects "Emotions"
What does a mood, like depression or floating freely euphoria, in collaboration with an episode of indignation, the precise reasons can be articulated? The first seems to end, anything and everything, and often not recognize the specific justification, the second has a long story to tell, usually with other people and what they did or said. Not only these people but relevant facts concerning situations participated, along with some specific facts about these situations, aspects of these facts that the causal role of these aspects as well as the objectives of the action classical motivated by emotions in every context of several other objects, or even emotion marked. The vast bandwidth potential objects is proposed by the various possibilities, we fulfill the functions of emotions. If someone is outraged, there are still some objects or op proposal, so outraged that the person on the spot or o, p, or the p, because the P.
This variety has led to a lot of confusion. A long debate, for example, concerns the extent to which objects are emotions, identify their causes. This finding seems plausible, but it is easy to construct examples or at present. The cause of an intuitive feeling is not a necessary nor a sufficient condition for its purpose is: if an angrier B to some entirely is insignificant, may have drunk 'as provoked anger, but it is in no way their subject. Its purpose is the remark of some innocent B's, which have aroused the wrath of l ', but it would be misleading to their cause. The purpose of harassment may be a certain quality in the B's insult is the remark that the issue of an effect quite imaginary and could therefore perhaps not their real cause.
Proper management of this complexity is too embracing. We need taxonomy of different types of potential emotional objects. We could then between different types of emotions, and not on the basis of quality feel, but at least in part-according to the different structures of complex commercial relations. Many emotions, like love, but necessarily, or primarily to which it is addressed. Others, like mourning, are not the case. On the other hand, even if a number of aspects of the person loved May motivate attention to focus efforts for a propositional object of love were not convincing. Mourning can not rely on an object propositional; regret, however, can not be described, without such an object. The depression or lack of enthusiasm, all three types of objects. Subject to share emotions without many characteristics with other emotions, especially in its physiological aspects and motivational, but could be improved as an integral part of the atmosphere rather than emotions. Mood of the rule is to facilitate certain aspects of the object scene emotions, but they form a class apart.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Intentional Objects "Emotions" II
Finally, while other emotions may or may not have these different types of objects, each emotion is a form of object if each object. An object is a form of property implicitly assigned by the emotion to its goal, emphasis propositional or object on the basis of that emotion may be understandable. My fear of a dog, for example, a number of functions construes dog (maw Salivating bark lasts) and frightening, and this is my perception of a dog as scary as my feelings of fear, some more than d ' other emotions. The objects in formal relationship with a certain sense is essential that the definition of these emotions. This explains the appearance of tautology in the formal specification of the object (I am outraged because it is disgusting), but it is also part of what allows us to speak, that emotions as appropriate or inappropriate. If the dog of my disability is a path shiatsu, my concern is wrong: The objective of my fear of not afraid of formal care object. As we shall see below in section 10 below, equity, in the moral sense is not correct, but it makes understandable emotion, even if it is unpleasant. Thus, disgust racist, while clearly morally reprehensible, it is understandable in view of its relationship with the paradigm cases of disgust.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 10:59 PM 0 comments
The mask of "Insanity"
Imagine - if you can - do not have an absolutely not, no feelings of guilt or remorse, no matter what you do, meaning no limit concern for the welfare of strangers, friends or even members of the family. Imagine the fights with no shame, not one in your life, regardless of the type of egoists, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you took.
And claiming that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, unless seen as a burden to accept, others seem, without question, as gullible fools.
Well, to this strange fantasy the ability to hide the fact that other people your psychological constitution is radically different than they are. As the whole world is simply that awareness is universal among people, to hide that you are free to consciousness is almost effortless.
You do not need again one of your wishes of the guilt or shame, and you will never work with others to your nerves. The ice water in your veins is so strange, if completely outside their personal experience that rarely appreciate your health.
In other words, you are completely free of internal restrictions and without your freedom to do as you please, without fear of consciousness, are comfortable in the invisible world.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 10:42 PM 0 comments
You can do whatever
You can do whatever, and even stranger your advantage on the majority of people who are online, are not affected by their conscience good chances remain unknown.
How will you change your life?
What will you with your great advantage and mystery, and with the relevant disability of other people (awareness)?
The answer depends essentially from what your wishes to find, because people are not all the same. Even the deeply unscrupulous are not all equal. Some people - if they have a sense or not - for the simple inertia, others are full of wild dreams and ambitions. Some people are talented, others are boring spirit, and most, conscience or not, are somewhere between the two. There are violent people and non-violent, individuals, arising from the thirst for blood, and those who have no appetite. [...]
Provided that you are not forcibly stopped, you can do anything.
If you are born at the right time, with access to certain assets of the family, and you have a special talent for the flogging other people, the hatred and a feeling of deprivation, you can take the necessary measures to kill a large Number of persons who are not anthem nothing. With enough money, you can do it by far, and you can just stand by and watch the safety of satisfaction. [...]
Posted by Flame Dragon at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Crazy and frightening
Crazy and frightening - and real, about 4 percent of the population....
The prevalence rate for anorexia eating disorders is an estimated 3.43% of them are in the vicinity of the epidemic, and this number is a fraction lower than the proportion of antisocial personality. The high-profile classified disorders that occur schizophrenia, which is around 1 per cent [of people] - a simple quarter of the rate of antisocial personality - and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that the rate of colon cancer the United States, as "very high", assisted by about 40 for 100000 - a hundred times lower than the percentage of antisocial personality.
The high incidence of sociopath in the human society has a profound impact on the rest of us must live on this planet, even those of us who are not clinically traumatized. The persons that 4 percent emptying our relations, our bank accounts, our services, our self-esteem, our peace on the earth.
But surprisingly, many people know nothing of this disorder, or if they do, they think only in the form of violence Psychopathic - murderers, serial killers, and mass murderers - for persons who are obviously against the law repeatedly, and when caught, held prisoner, perhaps even death by our legal system.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 10:39 PM 0 comments
We are not general
We are not general, and we do not normally identify the largest number of non-violent sociopaths among us, people who often do not reflect the blatant offenders, against our legal system provides little defense official.
Most of us not imagine a match between the conceptions of genocide and ethnic guiltlessly example is a head of a colleague. But the psychological correlation is not only there, it's cold. Simple and deep, the link is the lack of mechanisms to us from the inside to bat, emotionally speaking, if we make a choice that we as immoral and unethical, negligence, or egotistical.
Most of us feel a little guilty when we eat the last piece of cake in the kitchen, without talking about what we think, if we deliberately and methodically to the point of violating another person.
If you are not constantly is all a group for themselves, whether it is homicide or simply merciless tyrant, social elite shooters.
The presence or absence of awareness is a deep split in the people, no doubt greater than the intelligence, race, and sex or even.
What differentiates a sociopath thrives on the work of the other from time to time, the business of the area, or a thief, a contemporary Baron - or what is the difference between a normal tyrant and a murderer sociopath - nothing else is that social status, hard, intelligence, the thirst for blood, or a simple option.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 10:15 PM 0 comments
The pain is a part of the body from the system of defense, what triggers mental and physical behavior to end the painful experience. It promotes the learning process so that a repetition of the painful situation is less likely.
Despite the inconvenience, the pain is an important part of the existence of humans and other animals, in fact, it is important for healthy to survive (see below insensitivity of the pain). Pain promotes the organization, from the suggestion harmful to the pain. Before the pain can indicate that the damage is imminent, such as pain, which soon became the bones broken. Pain May the process of healing, as most organizations to protect an injured area to avoid a new pain.
Interestingly, the brain tissue itself is without nociception, and therefore can not feel the pain. Thus, headache is not through the promotion of the pain fibers in the brain itself. On the contrary, the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord, called the durra mater, innerve receptors is the pain and the promotion of these Nozizeptoren nachschneiden, believed to be involved to some extent in the production of the pain of a headache. The vasoconstriction of the pain innerve blood vessels in the head, is another question. Some biologists have speculated the development that this lack of nociception in the brain tissue may be because the damage is far enough to chat; the pain in the brain has a fairly high probability that the fatal tissue nociception development would have little or no entitlement to a survivor's pension.
The chronic pain, in which the pain is pathological as well, May be an exception to the idea that the pain is to survive, although some experts believe that the chronic pain psycho gene, as a distraction of protection to keep dangerous feelings suppressed anger or rage as unconscious. It is not clear what the survival of some of the benefits that extreme forms of pain therapy (Tooth Ache for example) could be, and the intensity of certain forms of pain (for example, after injuries to the toes or nails) are not compatible with all benefits to survivors.
Posted by Flame Dragon at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
In the world of people, the unique use of symbols and sounds codified language written and spoken, the pain or the threat of pain can be perceived, written and oral sources. May people perceive, not an immediate physical threat, but the pain can mentally. Thanks to the person the ability to a distant future, the threat of pain can also occur, only the imagination, and not be based on everything that happens in the immediate. In humans, anger often arises when another man is as a violation of the standards of expected behavior in the context of social survival. These violations of social division or interpersonal borders are to ethical and legal violations.
Modern psychologists as a primary school anger, of course, the maturity and experience the feeling that all people the time, and as something that the functional value for the survival. The anger is a psychological resource for remedial action. Not anger may be a negative impact on the personal or social welfare.
Although many writers and philosophers have opposed the spontaneous anger and not clear, there were disagreements on the intrinsic value of the anger. Ready to anger has been in the writings of the first philosophers to the modern era. Modern psychologists, in contrast to the previous writer, also stressed the potential adverse effects of control of anger.
It has also shown that shows that the anger can be an effective strategy for dealing with social influence.
for more info:
One/ White/ Separated/ Open/ Picture/ Home/ Line/ Mirror/ Negativity/ Lips/ Distract/ Freezzzzzzzz/ Hole/ Nightmares/ Light/ Saint/ Oxygen/ Fire/ Sense/ Soon/ Check/ Space/ Knights/ Come/ Inside Me/ FireWater/ NomedHere/ WHO???/ Anger/ Sensitivity/ Teardrops/ Kills/ Intelligence/ StarField/ Around/ Prevention/ Rain/ STORM/ Suffering/ Emotions/ SENSES/ Heartbreaks/ Love/ Night/ Care/ Unleashed/ SHADOW/ Beginning/ Post/ Attempt/ SeeFury/ alspot/ Eyes/ Bleed/ Post/ Sign/ fall/ Freezzz/ Head/ Roar/ Punch/ guitar/ beer/ blogging/ Surffntheweb/ hotstuff/ neutrals/ rain52508/ avalla/ education/ leadership/ articles/
Posted by Flame Dragon at 10:52 PM 0 comments