Saturday, March 7, 2009

Law of Attraction: How Women Get the Lives They Want

By Deanna Collins

Maybe there are things you want to change about your life. It's not uncommon to want to be more than you are right now. It could be a relationship you want to change or a job or even a health issue. Women the world over have learned to put the law of attraction into practice and get the life they want to live right now. You can do it too.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction in its simplest form states that we attract what we focus on. So if you focus on money then you'll attract money. Unfortunately, if you're focusing on the negative aspects of something, perhaps you're dwelling on the amount of debt you have, and then guess whatyou attract more debt. Not a good thing, right?

Look to the Positive

For the law of attraction to work, you need to change the way that you think. Frame your wants in a positive light. Here is an example. If you are in debt, don't think about the bills or how long you will be saddled with them until they finally go away. Instead, focus on the wealth you are building and how good it feels to be financially secure.

Isn't this just a fantasy? Not at all! Changing your focus from the negative to the positive is not lying to yourself but putting all of your energy towards changing your situation from negative to positive. Being grateful for where you are and where you will be is a change in thinking that you'll want to make. First see what you want to be and then concentrate on making it happen to get the life you want.

Let Go of some Things

If you need to pay off your debt, concentrating too much on the debt can drive you crazy. See the situation in a positive light. Saying, "I need to be debt free" is not good enough. The word "need" adds weight where you don't want any to be. A need expresses something that you don't have yet but will desperately try to get. That is not what we want to convey here. With the law of attraction you live your life as if you have already achieved what you want to attract into your life. By seeing yourself with these things, you can bring them into existence. Expressing your desire as a need puts an unnecessary roadblock in your way.

The First Steps

Here is the exciting part. What kinds of things do you want to attract into your life? Start with a list of the current things you are grateful for. Take it one step further. Instead of making resolutions like "I want to be debt free," say "I have $500,000 in the bank for retirement." Now your desire is an affirmation. How does it feel to have that much in the bank for your future? Remember that feeling and now have faith that you can attract what you want to you.

Use the Law of Attraction to change your life and attract what you want. - 20611

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