Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mistakes With Your Ex To Avoid At All Costs!

By Zena P Truscott

Mistakes with your ex that you can make after a break up can make it very difficult to regain lost ground and start to mend the relationship again. If you want to give yourself the best chance of making up you must use strong discipline indeed to not make the "Fatal 5" major mistakes that most people make with their ex!

The five killer mistakes you should not make with your ex are:

*Major Mistake with your Ex : - Apologising over and over again for everything that has ever happened between y has to stop. Continually apologising is a major mistake with your ex because it makes the apology look insincere. The fact is you have broken up over something and the situation is serious. Stop apologising for anything and everything. It just will not mean anything right now. If you have done something you need to apologise for, there will be a time and a place later

* Fatal Mistake With Your Ex: - Trying to Change yourself into someone else is something you must not attempt. You are the person you are, and ultimately the person your ex wanted to be with in the beginning. Trying to change is a promise you probably just can't keep! Don't do it!

*Killer Mistake With Your Ex: - Don't try and tell them you are their "one and only, true love!" You have to admit, you would not be broken up if they thought that at the moment! To take this approach is a major mistake. It is a weak move and makes you look like you will say anything to get back together. People decide who their true love is in their own way and don't appreciate in the least an ex telling them they are it!

* Killer Mistake With Your Ex:- One of the most dangerous tactics you can employ is to try and convince them it wasn't your fault! With the raw emotions that accompany a break up still being fresh, you must avoid saying you are not at fault at all cost. Don't place blame on anyone's shoulders! Common sense says you have both done or said something during the break up to get to where you are.

* Killer Mistake With Your Ex: - Stop Begging them to take you back! Begging is like emotional blackmail and will have the effect of suffocating the emotions of your ex. You will not gain any respect for being emotional and clingy so do not use this tactic !

Now that you have read the list of "Fatal" mistakes you can make after a break up, how many are you making? Behavioural statistics shown that using tactics such as the five listed here will not successfully heal a relationship. In fact, they usually drive an ex further away.

When you make mistakes with your ex like these you are actually making your break up more certain. Instead, put your energy into positive actions that can help rebuild your relationship, not demolish it totally.

Most people turn to the highly respected Magic Of Making Up System for guidance and step by step help to mend a broken relationship. Believe it or not, all the common sense advice listed here come from the program itself. The Magic Of Making Up is a proven step by step process for mending broken relationships and keeping them fixed.

The Magic of Making Up has helped over 6000 people mend their broken relationships and get back together. If you would like to learn more about the program please follow the links below to the Magic of Making Up web pages that deal with mending broken relationships. These pages also include the opportunity to listen to an inspiring video presentation from the author of The Magic of Making Up.( His name is T.W. Jackson and he has a wealth of experience in helping people just like you mend relationships after a break up.) - 20611

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