Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Top 7 Time Wasters At The Gym

By Victoria Jamison

In case you hadn't noticed, it's nearly impossible to set aside the time you need at the gym each day. It seems there are always more "important" things to be doing. When you do get into the gym, avoid these 7 time wasters.

1. Too much time in the gym- Cardio exercise should be a portion of your time in the gym, not the bulk of it. It's meant to compliment your resistance training and a proper nutrition plan.

2. Resting to long- If your goal is to lose unwanted body fat and stay lean, you should keep your rest between sets and exercises to a minimum. Thirty to sixty seconds is all you need. This isn't time to talk with your friends. Set up time after your workout if you schedule can accommodate it.

3) Plan, Plan, Plan. If you walk into the gym with no idea of what you're going to do, I can promise you there will be a lot of time wasted. Figure out what you're going to do before you even step foot into the gym.

4 - Have two exercises in mind. You've most likely got a set routine you want to use to work all the muscles in a group. If, for some reason, someone else is using the machine you need, this can slow you down dramatically. I like to have two exercises using different pieces of equipment in my plan book. Exercise A and if that isn't available exercise B.

5. Not working hard enough- Intensity is one of the biggest factors to achieving results. If you are training in the 12-15 rep range, it should be a challenge to do 14 or 15 reps. If you can do close to 20 reps then you need to increase your weight. As you improve, never allow yourself to get to the point where you're doing more than 14 reps of each exercise.

6 - No "cheat reps". If you're like me, you've had a few cheat reps when you're starting to run out of steam. It happens and you don't want to beat yourself up over it. But, you do need to realize it's not helping you. You're almost better off just not doing those reps. Fewer reps with perfect form is always better than more reps dong incorrectly.

7 - Get a check-up from a professional. If a regular meeting with a personal trainer isn't in your budget, consider having a check up ever 90 days to make sure you're maximizing your time in the gym. A professional trainer will know how to get you through that plateau and on to bigger gains.

I'm sure you didn't relate to all seven items. You may only relate to one of them. If that's the case, fix that one time and gain back some time for other areas in your life. If you could relate to them, focus on a few at a time and lean out your gym time while you lean out your body. - 20611

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